Safe Steps: Enhancing Behaviour-Based Safety in Mining

Enhance safety practices in the mining industry with Behaviour-Based Safety. Learn how technology and employee engagement can revolutionize safety outcomes

Explore the importance of behaviour-based safety in the mining industry and how it can enhance safety practices.

The Significance of Behaviour-Based Safety in Mining

The mining industry has long faced the challenge of ensuring the well-being of its workforce while maintaining productivity. Traditional safety measures, while essential, often fall short in addressing the human factor—behaviour. This is where Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) comes into play, revolutionizing the approach to safety by focusing on the actions and behaviours of workers. 

Understanding Behaviour-Based Safety

Behaviour-Based Safety is a proactive approach to workplace safety that emphasizes the identification and modification of unsafe behaviours in a proactive, long-lasting way that contributes to a culture of safety. It is built on the premise that most accidents are the result of human error and that by understanding and altering behaviour, we can prevent incidents before they occur. BBS involves several key components:

The 7 Components of BBS

  1. Observation: Regular monitoring of employee behaviour to identify unsafe practices.
  2. Feedback: Providing constructive feedback to employees based on observations.
  3. Engagement: Actively involving employees in the safety process.
  4. Data Analysis: Using data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  5. Goal Setting: Establishing clear and achievable safety goals.
  6. Training: Providing ongoing education and training to reinforce safe behaviors.
  7. Recognition and Reinforcement: Acknowledging and rewarding safe behaviors to encourage continuous improvement.

Implementing Behaviour-Based Safety

Implementing a Behaviour-Based Safety program in a mining operation requires a systematic approach. Here are the key steps to ensure a successful implementation:

1. Leadership Commitment

Strong leadership is crucial for the success of a BBS program. Leaders must demonstrate a genuine commitment to safety and actively participate in the program. This sets the tone for the entire organization and encourages employee buy-in.

2. Employee Involvement

Involving employees at all levels is essential. Create safety committees or teams that include representatives from different departments. This promotes a sense of ownership at multiple levels and ensures that diverse perspectives are considered.

3. Training and Education

Provide comprehensive training on BBS principles and practices. Ensure that all employees understand the importance of safe behaviours and how to identify and address unsafe practices. Regular refresher courses help maintain awareness and reinforce learning.

4. Observation and Feedback

Establish a system for regular observation and feedback. Use a digital HSE software to streamline the process, ensuring that observations are recorded accurately and feedback is provided promptly. Encourage open and constructive communication between observers and employees.

5. Data Collection and Analysis

Utilize a digital HSE platform to collect and analyze data on safety observations. Identify trends and patterns in behaviour, and use this information to develop targeted interventions. Regularly review and update safety strategies based on data insights.

6. Recognition and Reinforcement

Recognize and reward safe behaviours. Implement a system for acknowledging employees who consistently demonstrate safe practices. This positive reinforcement encourages ongoing commitment to safety and motivates others to follow suit.

7. Continuous Improvement

BBS is an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the program and make necessary adjustments. Engage employees in discussions about what is working and what can be improved. Foster a culture of continuous improvement where safety is always a top priority.

The Role of Technology in BBS

While BBS is fundamentally about people, technology can make the process more efficient at every level from the field to senior management. Modern field management software (like OPAS Mobile) enhances BBS programs by streamlining data collection, analysis, and communication. Here's how:

1. Real-Time Data Collection

Traditional BBS programs rely on manual data collection, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Going digital automates this process, allowing for real-time data collection through mobile devices. This ensures that safety observations are recorded accurately and promptly, providing a reliable foundation for analysis.

2. Enhanced Communication

Effective communication is at the heart of BBS. An effective software platform facilitates instant communication between field workers and safety managers. Alerts and notifications can be sent in real-time, ensuring that any unsafe behaviour is addressed immediately. This rapid response capability is critical in preventing accidents and maintaining a safe work environment.

3. Data-Driven Insights

OPAS Mobile's advanced analytics tools enable safety managers to identify patterns and trends in behaviour. By analyzing this data, managers can pinpoint specific behaviours that contribute to incidents and develop targeted interventions. This data-driven approach ensures that safety initiatives are both effective and efficient.

Case Study: BBS in Action

Consider a professional services firm in Labrador City's mining industry, where OPAS Mobile was implemented to enhance their BBS program. Before the introduction of our software, safety observations were recorded manually, and feedback was often delayed. With OPAS Mobile, the company experienced a 740% increase in reporting within the first six months. Real-time data collection and instant feedback allowed for swift corrective actions, while data analytics provided insights that led to targeted safety initiatives and active communication across multiple areas and shifts. Employee engagement soared as workers actively participated in safety challenges and received recognition for their efforts.


Behaviour-Based Safety is a powerful approach to improving safety in the mining industry. By focusing on human behaviour and leveraging technology, mining companies can create a safer and more productive work environment. At OPAS Mobile, we are committed to supporting the mining industry with innovative solutions that enhance BBS programs. By taking these safe steps, we can ensure that every worker returns home safely at the end of the day.

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